bhadrachalam to maredumilli distance

Bhadrachalam to Maredumilli Distance

distance from bhadrachalam to maredumilli is 2 hr 34 min (116.6 km) via Rajahmundry – Bhadrachalam Highway

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How is the road from Bhadrachalam to Maredumilli?
bhadrachalam to maredumilli distance
bhadrachalam to maredumilli distance

The road from Bhadrachalam in Telangana to Maredumilli in Andhra Pradesh is scenic. Some say the road is wonderful and has lots of greeneryThe Maredumilli Forests are part of the Eastern Ghats and have semi-evergreen forests and undulating terrain.

The Maredumilli Forests are home to a rich biodiversity. Some of the most famous waterfalls in Maredumilli include: jalatarangini Falls, Amruthadhara Falls, Rampa Falls. 

The journey from Bhadrachalam to Maredumilli takes about 2 hours and 50 minutes by bus.
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